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Thursday, October 11, 2012

ANIMAL SOUNDS OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, Videos on BFRO YouTube Channel... Not a Bigfoot?

Yep, that's right... these are NOT a Bigfoot (until the last segment, perhaps).

Folks, you might find these interesting. These videos were made on a BFRO expedition in the Humboldt Redwoods by my friend Robert Leiterman (co-member of the Bluff Creek Film Site Project), of a presentation by Bill Brewer. These are animal sounds, real ones, and hopefully they won't be mistaken for Bigfoot when you hear them in the woods. It's helpful to know the place you're in and all the critters in it, so that everything is not taken for something unusual.

Watch in three parts. It is well worth it.
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:

"Have you ever wondered about some of those sounds you've heard in the forests of Northern California? Join us on ...a three part series narrated and produced by Bigfoot Field Researchers Bill Brewer and Robert Leiterman. Bill's well received program was recorded during the Redwoods 2010 BFRO Expedition. These aren't all of the sounds you might hear on your outdoor jaunts in Nor. Cal. but its a good start."

He's fooling you. ALL of those are Bigfoot sounds.
(Under the right circumstances of perception, that is.)
No "ugh" here. These are cool.

Thanks to the BFRO for hosting these and all 67 (so far) of our Bluff Creek Film Site Project series...

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