Do you want to know what was REALLY GOING ON in the Melba Ketchum DNA Study?
Well, you don't know jack unless you've listened to JavaBob (Bob Schmalzbach) spill most of the beans in this great Ro Sahebi
interview. Yes, it covers the NEPHILIM, the broken corporation, the
exile of Richard Stubstad, and the fact that Stubstad DID indeed make
the first real "discovery" in the genome.
This somewhat neglected interview is, so far as I can tell, the most significant and important leak as yet to come out of the Ketchumite camp. It is a Must-See for all concerned about the validity of this study, in all its good and bad points.
No matter how much they lie or try to cover it up, this interview proves that the "ET/Angel DNA" issue is a real belief of Ketchum. You want "Proof"? THIS IS IT.
JavaBob in this interview was the FOURTH source from whom I had heard
confirmation of the Nephilim being in the Ketchum paper. At this point
it was clearly true. I'd heard the thing about Ketchum thinking there
was "something out of this world in the DNA " about a year and a half
ago, and had to sit on it until this interview, "Published on Mar 30,
2012," proved it.
Many people associate JavaBob with Tom Biscardi. This is true, or was. He is EX-Biscardi, a defector. Fact is, he is telling the truth. He defected from Biscardi a while back. What he has to say is very interesting. Listen closely to the interview.
I'll have a much more in-depth article on this whole topic appearing on my main blog, BIGFOOT'S BLOG, in the near future. Watch for that. The truth is stranger than you'd have thought.
Visit Ro's BIGFOOT REPORT page for more cool Bigfoot and Team Tazer updates and news.
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