"M.K. Davis discusses the tall Sasquatch in the garden video.wmv,"
and showing the very same rural homestead farm outbuildings from the already debunked previous "White Bigfoot" videos. This one is even more ridiculous than a man in a white shirt with dark pants walking around. It is so blurry that almost no clear image exists of whatever the moving subject is. That being said, it is still pretty clear to a rational mind (I should think) that the blur looks like a man, and he is dragging around some tall junk. The things look like big puppets or something, certainly not "Bigfoots." One may see the furtive form of a humanoid, once in lighter clothes and then in darker clothes, pulling these things around. By the movement one can see that the smaller figure is indeed pulling the larger figures, and that they are not biological organisms. Nor are they heavy, as in one case they sway back and forth absurdly. How can MK even IMPLY that these have any relation to a "Bigfoot" is beyond me. It just looks like more goofiness and blur from known, admitted hoaxer, Mike Sells.
Watch it here, opened to full screen, pausing frequently...
Here are two attempts at seeing the most clear frames from the video above, but you have to see it moving to realize how ludicrous all of this is...
You know, it's just sad, really.
I'm going to have to say "Ugh" on this and all the other recent MK Davis-released videos.
Here is one more debunking image that shows pretty clearly a man in a white shirt and blue jean pants. This is the same guy and same location, it seems to me.
What are we looking at? Here is an example, from yet another of these stupid videos....
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