Friday, November 11, 2016

Bigfooter Richard "Rip" Lyttle, Gone but Not Forgotten

R.I.P., Richard "Rip" Lyttle, 
one-time Bluff Creek Film Site Project member, and a great guy. He has passed on, at only sixty-one years of age. He did a lot in his relatively brief lifetime. Would that he had lasted into his eighties, as so many Bigfooters seem to do these days.

As is often the case in rural settings as isolated as Humboldt County, we only heard about his passing a month later, when Loren Coleman got wind of it somehow. He wrote a nice obituary:

Rip Lyttle (center) at Bluff Creek, with Project members
Robert Leiterman and Ian Carton
If you knew Rip, and have any news as to what happened, his widespread friends and Bigfooting associates would like to know. A cause of death was not released. Please do let us know. His intelligence and good humor are missed by all of us who knew him. The last I heard from Rip personally was a few months ago, in one of his regular phone calls. He seemed fine, and in good spirits, then.

Bigfoot's bLog did a long interview and discussion piece with Rip, which can be found through the following link. Also there at the end of the interview are some of the Bluff Creek Film Site Project videos featuring Rip when he was an active member with us in the quest to find and document the site of the Patterson-Gimlin film. Give this a read. I think it is the longest piece on record of Rip's thoughts on Bigfoot and the pursuit of cryptids in general.

Bluff Creek Film Site Project members
Robert Leiterman, Rip Lyttle, Steven Streufert, and Ian Carton

Here Rip meets up with his old friend Larry Lund at Bigfoot Books,
a few years ago.
Larry Lund send a brief memorial of Rip out today.

"To those who may not already know, my old friend and “Defense Attorney”  from our WBS  Bigfoot Murder Trial, passed away on October 4th.  Rip was only 61 and I have not yet heard the cause of death.  Bill Dranginis and Bob Chance will be going to Annapolis to speak at his service. I last saw Rip down at Steve’s Bigfoot Book Shop in Willow Creek a few years ago. He always made me laugh and was a good friend. What more can you say about a guy who kept you out of prison?
Maybe now he can see where all the Creatures are hiding.
RIP   It truly means Rest In Peace
All The Best,
Your Friend Always,
Larry Lund"

One thing people may not know is that Rip Lyttle organized and taught a university-level class on Bigfoot. I have a bunch of video clips from this that Rip gave me, but they are fragmentary. I will try to publish a few more on YouTube, but here is one that I posted a while back. Enjoy! Rip would want you to have a rip of this, in his memory.


Monday, October 10, 2016

CryptoBlast "Interview with a Critical Thinker," That Being This Blog's Own Steven Streufert

Here's Part One and Part Two of a long, written interview with the CryptoBlast blog. Part Three, the conclusion will be coming next week. This was 20 pages in WORD when all was said and done, so each segment is 6-7 pages long.
Who is Steven Streufert? You might have seen him on a Bigfoot documentary on Destination America, or in the movie Willow Creek, or even on Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot. He is the owner of the infamous Bigfoot Books bookstore in Willow Creek and an online blogger who is affiliated with the Bluff Creek trail cam project. We sat down with Steven and asked him a series of questions on the topic of Bigfoot. What is he? is he a skeptic? A researcher? A hater? Let's dive into the complex mind of a man that Rictor Riolo from Bigfoot Bounty calls a walking Bigfoot encyclopedia!
Last week we began our 3-part interview with Steven Streufert of Bigfoot Books. This Monday Steven talks about the pros and cons of having the most crucial Facebook group for the study of Sasquatch, social media's influences, his involvement with TV/movies, and what gives him the biggest headache when it comes to being one of the most hated and admired personalities in the world of Sasquatch.


Saturday, September 10, 2016


Not only is BIGFOOT'S bLOG back, with a brand new post on BIGFOOT DAYS 2016 in Willow Creek, but it also has passed ONE MILLION HITS on the site. It took a while, but there you have it.

A stone cold million, I'm sure it would be more if it had BS stories with mistaken evidence and fake viral videos, but anyway..... read on. There should be more coming soon.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Lecture on Bigfoot at Freshwater Grange from HSU Professor

Doctor Richard Stepp, meteorologist and physicist for decades at Humboldt State University, gave a public talk on Bigfoot at the Freshwater Grange Friday evening. There was also a nice potluck at this cozy rustic venue.

Here is the Youtube video: